The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America. Prior to the Khan Solar Storm it had overtaken the People's Republic of China as the world's largest economy, and it still possesses the largest military and largest amount of wealth of any country, as well as being the largest contributor to and most influential member of the Peacekeepers.


    The collapse of the Bretton Woods system and the USAs growing domestic economic power in the years prior to the storm had lead to the USAs increasing isolation, but it was a prosperous and optimistic period for the USA and those close allies which were still able to access its markets. The USA has always nominally been a constitutional oligarchic liberal democracy, however the shock of the storm resulted in a shift of its governing principles from E pluribus unum to what several historians have described as Res Publica Corporis Minimalis, the minimum required to secure the affairs of its corporations.

    The storm began a nearly two century long period of isolation and abdication of many public affairs to corporations. A notable exception was a much closer integration with the remaining independent Canadian provinces as well as Gran México and the Mazatlán Zona Franca in the first years after the storm, due to a rapid increase in on-shoring supply chains. This then resulted in much closer political and terrestrial military co-operation as well as a lunar colony founded as a joint venture between several US and Mexican aerospace corporations. Throughout this period the US also maintained close ties to its traditional allies Great Britain, Australia, Israel, and the Philippines; and largely as a result they have remained non-aligned with any of the large confederations outside of the Peacekeepers (although Gran México, Mazatlán Zona Franca, and the Philippines have close ties to Roman Catholic Dominio). Although becoming more involved in system wide affairs through the Peacekeepers in in the last century BFC, the US government has only recently emerged as an active international political force in its own right after the First Contact Event.