Pharmatica Group is a bioinformatics and pharmaceutical conglomerate specialising in synth developed pharmaceutical products and molecular production services. It is the system's largest employer of computational biologists and produces the two best-selling pharmaceuticals, the Antiakrasic Akrasinil and the senolytic Renovacel.
Pharmatica originated with European pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk's issues scaling out its semaglutide manufacture to meet the continually increasing global demand for them. The solution, cell free synthesis production lines, were so effective that Pharmatica was left with excess molecular farming capacity. Pharmatica's response was to invest significant resources into providing rental and APIs on top of its molecular farms, and over time this has become their second largest revenue stream.
At the same time the advent of affordable powder bed drug printing was leading to to wide-spread drug piracy and over time reducing the revenue from direct sale of patent protected drugs (although they remain the highest margin physical good and today direct sales still make up a significant portion of Pharmatica's revenue). To combat this Pharmatica invested heavily in developing cell dynamic models from their internal datasets such as perturbation and genetic interaction data in order to license drugs developed from them. Despite the heavy competition from Amazon in this area, royalties from these drugs are now the companies biggest revenue source.
In 65 BFC, looking to break into the new market of tailored mRNA programming products which was being explored by several startups as well as the giant Bioforge Hivegen, it acquired biotechnology giant AstraZeneca which had the most IP in this space, and as part of the merger the combined conglomerate was renamed to Pharmatica Group. During the lifestyle neo-opiod wave of the 50s the groups SynthAntagon antagonist became a best seller, and addiction treatment pharmaceuticals continue to be their single best selling product.