The Eurasian Bloc is an astropolitical and economic entity which formed out the European Union, India, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Singapore in the aftermath of the political upheaval following the Khan Solar Storm of 187 BFC. Over time it has grown to encompass Japan's seizure of Enkaishū (Russia's Primorsky Krai) once the Eurasian SDI was operational, and also to include most French aligned North-West African countries (and so is no longer strictly Eurasian).The Bloc's treaties of governance primarily concern trade, colony administration, and defence, leaving its constituent members with legislative autonomy in other areas. It is governed by a supranational bureaucracy supplemented with meritocratic sortition, whereby a random selection of experts is drawn from the general populace for the purposes of drafting legislation.

    The proposal for a new set of international treaties to replace the role the U.S. and NATO had played prior to Khan was first made by Japanese Defense Minister Matsumoto Koji at the Lausanne Convention in 185 BFC. Due to the 2nd Japanese Economic Miracle and integration into the economies of Bloc countries via its supply of Automated Modular Solid-State Transformers Japan was able to play a major role in the construction of the Bloc's political organisations, despite having less than 5% of the total population of the Bloc countries. Over time the French have taken a larger role in leadership as their economy recovered and (including their colonies and integrated protectorates) is now the second largest in the Bloc after India. The merger of Japanese, European, Indian, and Chinese leadership culture has lead to institutions that are highly engineering and environmentally focused, and which emphasise flexibility and practicality in the development of policy and use of technology to deal with environmental and political crises. They are the second largest contributor to the Peacekeepers (after the United States and its client countries) and often align with the US against the non-Peacekeeper space power blocs of Greater Zhōngguó, Dominio, Türkiye, and the Fatimid Trade Caliphate.